Sunday, January 24, 2016

Fabric-Not Your Mother's Stash!

I must admit, I do have a fabric fetish! Or what some may call an addiction...I will accept any one of those labels. When I walk into a fabric store or see something online that I want, I get excited! I know that I am not the only person out there suffering from this condition. It is like my heart starts racing and I begin to sweat! It's a beautiful thing. 

There is no limit to the choices that we have as sewing enthusiasts and artists. There are plain fabrics, Batiks, patterned fabrics, custom fabrics (my favorite), and designer fabrics. They also come in different  surface types:

* Cotton-the most popular with quilters and crafters
* wool
* satin
* polyester
* blends

The list goes on and on...

I never limit myself to a specific type, because in my art I like to incorporate many different types of fabrics to enhance the piece. I have found this type of inclusion adds depth and personality to my mudrugs; it makes them more interesting. 


Also, one of my most favorite thing to do when it comes to fabric is creating my own textiles. There are some websites out there that you can upload a photograph of your creation and they will send you your creation in fhe form of fabric by the yard, fat quarter, or sample. I have tried a couple of them out there an I personally prefer Spoonflower. You are able to create your fabric utilzing photos or artwork.

You can find my work at:

Back to fabric choices...

I would suggest that you play with different colors and fabrics. Try mixing them!

You can not go wrong! And you may create something kind of funky and new!

Just make sure that the fabrics are washable, because we must remember that these are mud rugs and they are made to be used daily. So, they may get drinks spilt on them and will need to be able to be washed multiple times.

NEXT WEEK: Designs!

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